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Atlantic Car Stereo - the automotive electronic specialists Peggy Jensen (Real Estate) Garage Doors 4 Lessess

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Bill's Truck Shop

Carter Mann Videology

Presidential Ventilation
Presidential Ventilation

Ridin Dirty
Ridin Dirty Auto Hauling

Mechanical Fitness Testing

Drawing Impression Art

Atlantic Vintage MotorCycle Society

Coopers Painting
Cooper's Painting

Walton Pub

Madd Canada



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Web Pages viewed since Apr. 2006

Advertisers (since Dec 2010)

Total - 13,467,154

Event Details - 3,130,751
Member Details - 2,232,355
Events - 1,548,012
Home - 1,307,409
Car Club Details - 860,709
cruisenights - 578,483
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Advertising - 45,242
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chevy789 - 11,948
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chevybillboards - 7,299
BOOM - 4,626
2) Gary Steeves Insurance (Ad) - 19,319
13) Tirecraft (Ad) - 33,852
19) Bills Truck Shop (Ad) - 19,157
23) HiDefRods (Sponsor) - 22,404
25) Dave Clark Appraisals (Ad) - 34,237
38) ATL Passion Diecast (Ad) - 19,717
40) Karla Hatfield - Travel Agent (Ad) - 1,893,165
41) Parts Geek (Ad) - 26,278
42) Atlantic Car Stereo (Ad) - 34,637
44) Tred Ware (Ad) - 26,773
46) Right At Home (Ad) - 55,387
47) Walton Pub (Ad) - 29,604
49) La Brise (Ad) - 65,084
50) Backyard Powder Coating (Ad) - 24,894
51) Jody Oram (Ad) - 24,756
53) Laurie Walker (Ad) - 20,558
54) Matthew Nickerson Hauling (Ad) - 24,956
55) Parts Geek (Ad) - 20,718
56) Summit Storage (Ad) - 26,849
57) Coopers Painting (Ad) - 22,265
58) Scentsy - Tracy Cooper (Ad) - 21,766
59) Peggy Jensen Realty (Ad) - 21,696
60) Mason Auto Pro (Ad) - 19,861
61) D. Morgan Mechanical Fitness (Ad) - 25,035
62) Presidential Ventilation (Ad) - 3,620,412
63) Vehicle Mats UK (Ad) - 19,061
64) Grey Area Auto Detailing and Custom (Ad) - 20,109
65) Atlantic Vintage Motorcycle Group (Ad) - 21,588
66) Jamie Johnston Trucking (Ad) - 1,517
67) Steele Wheel Motor Museum (Ad) - 2,783
68) Ridin Dirty Auto Hauling (Ad) - 2,359
69) American Muscle Parts (Ad) - 106
70) Judy O'Leary (Ad) - 1,368
71) Drawings Impression Art (Ad) - 1,254
72) Garagefloors4less Truro (Ad) - 1,643
73) Carter Mann Videography (Ad) - 1,029
74) Sheild Powder Coating (Ad) - 46

We support Local

Importing Cars from USA to Canada

Dave Clark Appraisals
Dave Clark Appraisals

Summit Storage
Summit Storage
Mason's Auto

Jamie Johnston Trucking and Rentals

AmericanMuscle - Corvette Parts Accessories

Eklers - Corvette Parts Accessories

Sheild Powder Coating

Judy Oleary, Twigs Christmas Adventure
Twigs Christmas Adventure

HiDefRods Photography

Michael Irvine - Car Artist
Michael Irvine

Historic PEI
Historic PEI

Historic Halifax
Historic Halifax

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