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Event Name :1st Annual F-Body Club Beach Bash   
(July 27)

City :Shediac
Province :New Brunswick
Website :
Contact Name :Melanie Perry
Phone :506-380-4198
Fax :
Description :

Location: Parlee Beach Provincial Park Camping. Note: It is the area off Belliveau Beach Road on the grassy area in front of camping. Security will have the area pegged off before we arrive that morning. Cruise after from Shediac to Moncton. Pictures of car in front of World’s Largest Lobster FREE (unless you want to drive to actual Beach then it is $20 entrance fee)

Lunch: Various options are available.
Water will be supplied for free.
Parlee Beach RestaurantTake-out (Euston Park) - - 10 min walk
Order Lenny's Takeout
Bring your own Snacks
Any other ideas welcome

Prizes: We are hoping to get a sponsor for this show. Stay tuned. Please keep in mind, several members of this group have put in significant personal time to organize these types of events. For this show, the out of pocket expenses for the organizers should be minimal – insurance policy + water.

Amenities: There is access to a lot of picnic tables in that area, Public Washrooms on site, Free Water, You won’t have to pay to get in the park as you are not going on the beach. If you want to drive to beach area, it is $20, walking = free access to the beach. Euston Menu -, Lenny’s Takeout Menu .

Organizer’s note: This is our first annual Beach Bash so we are hoping all will go well and everyone has a great time! Hoping to get any kinks out so next year it will be bigger and better than ever and will grow over time. We are all car enthusiasts so lets everyone have a great time and enjoy the (hopefully) nice weather and beaches.

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